Announcing the Swift Mentorship Program

We’re thrilled to announce the Swift Mentorship Program — a new contributor program for the Swift community and part of the Diversity in Swift initiative. The Swift Mentorship Program is designed to support developers as they become active open source contributors to the Swift project, providing direct mentorship with experienced members of the community.

Each mentee will have the opportunity to connect with and learn from an experienced developer within the Swift community, with the goal of them contributing code directly to an open-source project. The mentee can contribute to any open-source project written in Swift, or even in the Swift compiler itself, depending on the mentee’s learning goals. Mentors and mentees will be matched based on the learning goals of the mentee and the experience of the mentor, and mentees will work with their mentor on open source contributions for 12 weeks. This program is meant to lower the barrier to entry for contributors and help build new skills in our community regardless of experience, so prior contributions to a project are not required. At the end of the mentorship program, mentee contributions and learnings will be featured in a dedicated post on the blog.

The Swift Mentorship Program is also a leadership opportunity for veteran community members, particularly those who are already an open-source project maintainer or frequent contributor. If you’re passionate about lowering the barrier to entry for new contributors in our community, please consider getting involved as a mentor!

Anyone 18 years and older who is interested in contributing to Swift open source is welcome to apply as a mentee; the program is not limited to students. We strongly encourage members of Women in Swift and Black in Swift to participate!

You can find more information about the Swift Mentorship Program and how to participate here.