Testing Workgroup

The Testing Workgroup is a team that helps guide the experience, libraries, and tools for testing Swift code.

The Testing Workgroup will:

The current Testing Workgroup consists of the following people:


The ultimate goal of the Testing Workgroup is to enhance the experience and utility of authoring and running tests in Swift to improve software quality across the ecosystem. In pursuit of that goal, the workgroup develops libraries like Swift Testing which implement core functionality needed by the community; it coordinates with the maintainers of commonly-used tools, IDEs, and CI systems to integrate them and promote testing workflows; and when necessary, it collaborates with other Swift community groups to pursue testing-related improvements in their areas. Some areas of frequent collaboration with other groups include:

A central function of the workgroup is conducting community reviews of features and API proposals for the Swift Testing project. Its governance of that project is guided by its accompanying vision document. The workgroup also looks for opportunities to deepen integration of testing libraries with tools and IDEs, enable additional styles of testing (such as performance or UI), or to resolve problems which impact testing workflows. Members of the workgroup regularly evaluate emerging trends in the Swift ecosystem, and discuss how testing could better support them.


Membership in the Testing Workgroup is contribution-based and expected to evolve over time. Adding new members and removing inactive ones is subject to a vote by the existing members and requires unanimous agreement. Membership is limited to ten members in total to keep the group small enough to be effective.

The Core Team selects one member of the workgroup as the chair. The chair has no special authority over the workgroup, but they are responsible for ensuring its smooth functioning, including by:

If you’d like to join the workgroup, send a message to @testing-workgroup on the Forums and you will be invited to the next available group meeting to discuss it more. See Community participation for examples of ways to contribute and demonstrate your interest to the group.

Workgroup members will try to make a decision independently by consensus whenever possible, and will raise issues to the Core Team when there are particular challenges with reaching consensus on significant decisions.


The Testing Workgroup meets biweekly on Monday at 1:00PM PT (USA Pacific). Meetings take place in even numbered weeks, unless otherwise communicated in advance.

Many workgroup meetings are meant for open discussion and any Swift community member may attend by sending a message to @testing-workgroup beforehand to request an invite. Some meetings are reserved for private discussion by group members, for example to make a decision on a proposal under review.


The Testing Workgroup communicates with the broader Swift community in the swift-testing Forum category. The workgroup can also be contacted privately by sending a message to @testing-workgroup.

If any significant decisions are reached during one of the workgroup’s regular meetings, a member will post about them in the Forums within one week. The outcome of each proposal review will be announced by its review manager in a separate thread dedicated to that proposal.

Community participation

Everyone is invited to help improve Swift’s testing experience and participate in the Testing Workgroup’s initiatives. Here are some ways to consider participating: